To implement cropper in rails for cropping and zoom in and out you need to download it from cropper home page
*= require cropper
//= require cropper
Now get your image on which you need to apply cropper here what I am doing is on double clicking a div it opens a file selector and it selects a file and I am reading a file locally and showing it on my browser
The div where I applied the cropper or my image is showing is
< div class = "form-group" > < div class = "form-group user_image_lg" , id = "profile_pic_default" > < % if current_user . profile_pic? %> <%= image_tag current_user.profile_image, id: 'profile', title: 'Double click to change your profile picture'%> < % else %> < %= image_tag asset_path(current_user.profile_image), id: 'profile', title: 'Double click to select your profile picture' %> <% end %> </div> </div>
Div where I am showing my uploaded or cropped image is
< div class = "cropper-example-2" > < img src = "" style = "display: none;" id = "crop_profile_pic" > < /div> <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: crop_profile_pic_path, :html => {:multipart => true}, :remote => true, :method => 'patch') do |f| %> <%= f.file_field :profile_pic, id: 'profile_photo_upload',accept: "image/ png , image / jpeg , image / gif ", class:" pull - left " %> <%= hidden_field_tag 'x'%> <%= hidden_field_tag 'y'%> <%= hidden_field_tag 'width'%> <%= hidden_field_tag 'height'%> <div class=" modal - footer "> <div class=" row "> <%= f.submit 'Select', class: 'btn btn-primary', id:'submit_crop' %> </div> </div> <% end %>
Code for cropping reading image locally
$ ( '#profile_pic_default' ). dblclick ( function () { $ ( '#profile_photo_upload' ). click (); $ ( '#profile_photo_upload' ). change ( function ( e ) { e . preventDefault (); $ ( '.modal-dialog' ). addClass ( 'modal-lg' ); var tmppath = URL . createObjectURL ( e . target . files [ 0 ]); var $image = $ ( "img#crop_profile_pic" ). fadeIn (). attr ( 'src' , tmppath ), cropBoxData , canvasData ; $ ( '.modal-window' ). modal ( 'show' ); $ ( '.modal-window' ). on ( 'shown.bs.modal' , function () { $image . cropper ({ strict: true , guides: true , highlight: true , dragCrop: false , cropBoxMovable: true , cropBoxResizable: false , modal: true , built: function () { canvasData = $image . cropper ( 'getCanvasData' ); var cropBox = { width : 150 , height : 150 } $image . cropper ( 'setCropBoxData' , cropBox ); $image . cropper ( 'setCanvasData' , canvasData ); console . log ( canvasData ) } }); }). submit ( '#submit_crop' , function () { $ ( '.modal-window' ). modal ( 'hide' ); cropBoxData = $image . cropper ( 'getCropBoxData' ); canvasData = $image . cropper ( 'getCanvasData' ); var getData = $image . cropper ( 'getData' ); $ ( '#width' ). val ( getData . width ); $ ( '#height' ). val ( getData . height ); $ ( '#x' ). val ( getData . x ); $ ( '#y' ). val ( getData . y ); $image . cropper ( 'destroy' ); }); }); });
after this you need to handle this cropped data you can do it in both way by using Rmagick in backend or you can handle it from javascript I do it by Rmagick
def crop_profile_pic img = Magick :: Image . from_blob ( params [ :user ][ :profile_pic ]. read )[ 0 ] cropped_image = img . crop ( params [ :x ]. to_f , params [ :y ]. to_f , params [ :width ]. to_f , params [ :height ]. to_f ). thumbnail ( User :: T_HEIGHT , User :: T_WIDTH ) dir = FileUtils . mkdir ( Rails . root / " #{ current_user . email } " ) cropped_image . write ( "png:" + " #{ dir [ 0 ] } / #{ params [ :user ][ :profile_pic ]. original_filename } " ) f = File . open ( " #{ dir [ 0 ] } / #{ params [ :user ][ :profile_pic ]. original_filename } " ) current_user . profile_pic = f current_user . save FileUtils . rm_rf ( dir ) end
It looks complicated but it is the perfect way to do this.
Thank you for reading this blog.
Implementing Cropper in rails on locally read image was published on August 28, 2015 and last modified on August 28, 2015 .