How to create a plugin callback
There is nothing creating a callback in a jquery plugin. You just need to define the callback in options that’s it like this:
$.scrollHappen = {
defaults: {
elementsToLoadInitially: 8,
elementSet: 4,
scrollCycle: 3,
loadingHtml: '<small>loading...</small>',
ajaxSettings: {
async: false,
global: false,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'script'
loadingHtmlAttrs: {
class: 'loading'
loadRestButtonAttrs: {
class: 'load_rest',
type: 'button'
// This is your callback option
loadRestButton: function () {
You have created a callback for your plugin now you just need to call it properly later in your plugin after extending it to the settings or options of your plugin.
Extending your callback option in plugin settings
var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.scrollHappen.defaults, options)
Providing attributes to the callback function and calling it
It’s not necessary to pass attributes to your callback it’s depend on the requirement here I am providing two attributes one is offset and another is limit for fetching data from controller with the help of these parameters.
$(function () {
url: '<%= project_path %>',
total_elements: <%= project.sheets.count %>,
loadRestButton: function (offset, limit) {
load_all('<%= project_path %>', offset, limit);
function load_all(url, offset, limit) {
url: url,
dataType: 'script',
data: {elementSet: limit, offset: offset}
Now you have called the callback function with some specific parameters which you will handle from the your jquery plugin like this
handling jquery plugin callback and calling it from the plugin
function handle_callback() {
$('.' + settings.loadRestButtonAttrs.class + '').click(function (e) {
if (settings.loadRestButton !== undefined) {
settings.loadRestButton(offset, limit);
$('.' + settings.loadRestButtonAttrs.class + '').remove();
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